SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00am | 117 International Dr, Morrisville, NC, 27560

CONTACT: Church office, [email protected]

2021 Spring Conference: “Thirsting for God: Providing Hope for the Bitter, Anxious, and Depressed”

By Duane Garner

We live in a society engulfed in a host of emotional and mental distresses, and the gospel is the chief remedy for the needs of hurting people. However, Christians and churches often find themselves
ill-equipped to address the deepest needs of their fellow believers, neighbors, and families. We assume that these things are best left to the professionals. However, God’s word calls us to bear each other’s burdens. Is it possible for the Church to effectively minister the hope of the gospel to the prevailing needs of our generation? Where do we start?

Join Christ Church February 26-28, 2021 in our Spring Conference with Dr. Jim Newheiser to explore our calling as the Body of Christ to minister to the bitter, anxious, and depressed.

Dr. James (Jim) Newheiser, Jr., is the Director of the Christian Counseling Program and Associate Professor of Christian Counseling and Pastoral Theology at RTS Charlotte. For 25 years, Dr. Newheiser served as the Preaching Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Escondido, California. He is also the Director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West) and an Adjunct Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College. Furthermore, Dr. Newheiser serves as a board member at both the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC) and the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

Dr. Newheiser teaches many of the counseling courses as well as some practical theology courses. Jim has been married to his wife Caroline for many years and they have 3 adult children.

Schedule – All Sessions Held at 1393 SE Maynard Rd, Cary

Friday, February 26

6:30 PM Welcome, Announcements and Singing

6:45 PM Session One

7:45 PM Dessert Reception

Saturday, February 27

9:00 AM Continental Breakfast

9:30 AM Session Two – “Thirsting for God” Psalms 42 and 43

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Session Three – “God’s Peace” Ruth 1

Sunday, February 28

8:30 and 10:30 A.M. Lord’s Day Worship, Dr. Newheiser preaching

Signup for 2021 Spring Conference

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Beginning Sunday, November 3rd

One Service Starting at 10:00am

117 International Drive, Morrisville. NC 27560