SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00am | 117 International Dr, Morrisville, NC, 27560

CONTACT: Church office, [email protected]

2022 Spring Conference: “Building with Joy in Dark Times: A Conference on Christian Localism”

Michael Foster is the pastor of East River Church. He and his wife, Emily, live with their seven children on a small farm in Batavia, OH. He is a graduate of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the co-author of It’s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity.

No one was ever born in the wrong time and place. God places us both in the when and where we are according his will. No doubt, it’s dark time for the West. We are people under judgment. But God hasn’t called us to wallow in the ashes. He has called us to express our repentance through a joyful desire to build a holy culture where he has placed us.

Prophets of Propaganda (Jer 28 & Neh 4)

The enemy uses two types of propaganda: defeatism and triumphalism. Both forms hamstring Christians from actually doing something. In this session, we’ll consider how Christians can get pass the smokescreens of propaganda and be faithful in the time and location God has placed them.

The Power of Small Beginning (Zec 4)

Going big is often a pathway to failure but small beginnings have powerful results. In this session, we’ll discuss the right mindset it takes to big a local culture on the word of God. 

Cultivating in the Shadows of Babylon (Jer 29, Neh 1)

Even in times of judgment, God calls his people to build and eve rebuild. In this session, we’ll look at some the practical steps we can take build a God-honoring culture specific to where we live. 

Schedule – All Sessions Held at 1393 SE Maynard Rd, Cary

Friday, February 25

6:30 PM Welcome, Announcements and Singing

6:45 PM Session One

7:45 PM Dessert Reception

Saturday, February 26

9:00 AM Continental Breakfast

9:30 AM Session Two

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Session Three

Sunday, February 27

8:30 and 10:30 A.M. Lord’s Day Worship, Michael Foster preaching

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We're Moving!

Beginning Sunday, November 3rd

One Service Starting at 10:00am

117 International Drive, Morrisville. NC 27560